Feroneria Race - 0.7 km
-See the animated route in here
City Hall Arad – Revolution B-dul – going to the intersection with Grigorescu street,near the street, then rerturning on Revolution Bv., on the part with National Bank Palace and then arrival in Transilvania Bank area, before the intersection with Horia street (0.7 km);
The age limit in order to participate at the races
Feroneria Race – 0.7 km – no age limit - the particularities for minors are described below;
- The children less than 10 years old, have to come with one of their parents /or an adult i n order to participate at the race, the adult can also subscribe to the race, he/she is also receiving a participation number ;
7 km Race – over 14 years old
- We invite to subscribe at this race the people who have at least 14 years old until 15.11.2019;
Half Marathon /Marathon /Marathon Relay - over 18 years old
- We invite to subscribe at this race the people who have at least 18 years old until 15.11.2019;
Registration and declarations
The registration can be done on the website www.maratonarad.ro, until 10.11.2019 - by choosing one of the races:
Feroneria Race – 0.7 km
Informations about the race
For majors – each adult person registered
Each adult person who will subscribe will run on his own responsibility; at the moment when they will pick-up the kit, they will receive a declaration that has to be signed by each participant.
The Declaration can be downloaded in here;
-The organizers are not responsible of the possible accidents or damages caused by participating to this competition;
For minors (under 18 years old until 15.11.2019) we specify the following :
- Additionally to the website, the registration will be made with the parental consent, by signing a declaration and uploaded it on the website, at the same time with registration. The declaration for minors can be downloaded from here;
Each person who subscribed has to agree to run by his own responsibility. The organizers are not responsible for any possible accidents or damages caused by their participation at this event
Also, each enrolled person must agree with organizers or their delegates using their images within the event, with receiving information, via email, about the race (News / Newsletter) as well as with receiving SMS messages on the event and / or its partners. The declaration in original will be signed when the starting package is taken, except for the minors in which case these issues are mentioned in the joint statement of the parents.
Event schedule
Please consult the PROGRAM section to see the detailed schedule and location, all the program of the day 16.11.2019 .
Simultaneous participation on the races
A person can subscribe to a single race from the individuals ones, from morning. Only the first member of the relay can run in the same time to another individual race such as 7 km Race, half marathon or marathon.
-Each registered person give their approval to use their image (pictures during the event) by the organizers and for receiving informations about the race and also sms about the event;
For details regarding the agreement and using of the data please consult the section DATA PROCESSING
Please consult the section bellow RACE KIT, to find out the content for each race.
The fee for – Feroneria race 0.7 km is free, possible with the help of our main sponsor of the race - FERONERIA - ANISEO GROUP.
If you want a technical t-shirt we invite you to practise in order to increase the number of km and so to participate at one of our races, with at least 7 km.
- The participation fee is shown below, determined by the moment of payment:
FEE | Feroneria Race 0.7 KM | 7 KM Race | Marathon Relay 7/14 KM | Half Marathon 21 KM | Marathon 42 KM |
01 - 30.09.2019 | Free | 11 EURO / 50 RON |
13 EURO / 60 RON |
15 EURO / 70 RON |
15 EURO / 70 RON |
01-15.10. 2019 | Free | 13 EURO / 60 RON |
15 EURO / 70 RON |
17 EURO / 80 RON |
17 EURO / 80 RON |
16 - 31.10.2019 | Free | 15 EURO / 70 RON |
17 EURO / 80 RON |
19 EURO / 90 RON |
19 EURO / 90 RON |
01 - 10.112019 | Free | 17 EURO / 80 RON |
19 EURO / 90 RON |
21 EURO / 100 RON |
21 EURO / 100 RON |
The participation fee will be paid in one of the accounts bellow mentioning the payment details:
„Marathon/Half Marathon /Marathon Relay / 7km Cross – Name, surname” (the name of the person who is doing the payment):
Association Clubul Sportiv Experienţa Multisport
Account IBAN Lei: RO15BTRLRONCRT0092365503 open to Transilvania Bank Arad.
Account IBAN Euro: RO08BTRLEURCRT0092365505 open to Transilvania Bank .
CIF: 31021976, Cod SWIFT: BTRLRO22
The participation fee is non-refundable. Please make the payment in maximum 7 days from the registration on the site to validate the registration, otherwise the organizers reserve themselves the right to delete the invalidated registration.
The race kit – Content and picking up
The participation is free for Feroneria Race 0.7 km and for the other races there is a fee that you need to pay, please consult the section FEES, to see the amount of money, payment method and deadlines.
The kit for the races: 7 km Race / half marathon / marathon / marathon relay:
- before the race:
● race number;
● timing chip;
● storage bag;
● official T-shirt personalized with the event;
- during the race:
• health care;
• access to nutrition and hydration points;
- after the race (for participants who complete the race):
• participating certificate sent on email or available to download ;
• medal ( for 7 km cross it’s different from long races, you can choose for the other ones at the subscription, on of the models);
• access to the photos of the event ;
Picking up the kit FERONERIA 0.7 KM:
- before the race:
• race number;
- during the race:
• healthcare;
• access to the hydration point - water;
- after the race (only for the participants who finish the race ):
• participating certificate sending on email or available to download;
• finisher medal;
• access to the photos from the event;
Picking up the kit:
Will be made from the secretary area (the location will be announced later),in the previous days of the competition.
The kit can be picked up based on the identity card of the person subscribed or of a parent/teacher in case of minors under 14 years old .
When the kit is picked up it is need it for the person who subscribe to be there with his ID (for the majors), also the parent (for minors under 14 years old).
The kit can be picked up also by minors participants only if they come with one of their parents or teacher, and only with the declaration signed. In exception conditions the kit can be picked up also by a teacher for his students or by a person who represents a company (in case of a team based on the declaration signed by all participants).
General Conditions of participating at competional races
Check points
Obligations and disqualification
The ranking for the races of marathon / half marathon / marathon relay / 7 km Cross will be available on the website www.maratonarad.ro,after the event.
A participating certificate will be available for downloading or to be sent online.
Please complete carefully your data while subscribing , if they are not correct you are risking to not appear in the final ranking.
Feroneria Race 0,7 KM it’s not a competition race so the time will not be announced .
Time limit for each route of the races:
- 20 minutes - Feroneria Race 0.7 km
- 1,5 hours - 7 km race,
- 3,5 hours - half marathon
- 6 hours - marathon and marathon relay
Check points, obligations of having the start number and the chip
The checkpoints / intermediary points will be founded among the race, and the runners who don’t pass through this points will be disqualified.
The participants are required to wear the race numbers in front part, at sight, in order to be seen. It is forbidden to modify the start number or the chip, in that case the participants is risking to fail to be registered in in intermediate and/or final points and disqualification from the competition.
The participants are required to wear the chipduring the race, the chip has to be put it according to the instructions that the participants receive when they pick up the kit – the chip is being held with a velcro, on the left ankle. The details will be available in the secretary area.
Penalties which may lead to disqualification:
- unrouting path, deviations of the route;
- not accessing a checkpoint;
- losing the race number;
- participating without a visible start number, weared in front;
- using a mean of transportation during the race;
- exceeding the time limit;
- abandoning packages or equipment on the route;
- misconducting against other runners, public, supporters, organizers, partners, sponsors, volunteers;
General details for all the races
The vehicle’s circulation
Dressing, Toilets
Hydration points
Certificate, medal, photos
Training, nutrition, benefits
Partnership, organizers
Traffic of vehicles
For Feroneria Race, during the race, the vehicle’s circulation will be stop on the established route.
For 7 km Race, half marathon, marathon and marathon relay, the route has a short path where where running is on the road or it is crossing some roads and the traffic at these locations will be stopped totally/partially or protection corridors for runners will be installed.
Wardrobe/storage of personal objects
Near the starting/arrival area, there will be a place (the headquarter of “Aurel Vlaicu” Arad University) where participants can change and leave on their own responsibility their personal objects in a bag identified with the race number and offered by the organizers.
There will be ecological toilets in at least two points on the route.
Hydration Points
The hydration points can be found in at least two points among the route of the 7 km race and it will contain water and fruits. The participants of Feroneria Race will have the hydration point with water at start/finish area.
Participating Certificate
A participating certificate will be available for downloading or by receiving on the email address.
The finisher medal
The medal is different in the three categories of races, in Feroneria Race, the participants will receive it at the end of the race and only the ones who complete it, available in chip collecting area.
The medals for half marathon / marathon / marathon relay
When they subscribe, the participants can choose between 6 medals with the following symbols :
- Cetatea Aradului (launched in 2014);
- Parcul Reconcilierii Româno-Maghiare (launched in 2015);
- Mănăstirea Hodoș-Bodrog (launched in 2016);
- Palatul Administrativ din Arad (launched in 2017);
- România – hartă simbolică la 100 de ani (launched in 2018);
- Medalie 2019 (to be launched in 2019);
*This option is available only for the participants who subscribe until 10 october 2019.
After the event the participants will be able to download representatives photos from our Facebook event page.
Training and nutrition:
Please consult our section TRAININGS in order to keep you in touch with group runnings organized by us and to see a plan we propose for practise.
Please consult our section NUTRITION in order to see some informations and the section WHY RUNNING to discover the benefits of running.
The event The marathon, half marathon and road Running of Arad - 2019 promotes the donation of blood , to a partnership with the Transfusion Center of Arad. In the section PARTNERS you can find our partners from last year edition.
If you want to join us as a partner or sponsor in our event, please contact us by sending an email to: parteneriat@experientamultisport.ro.
The organizer reserves the right to stop in some conditions.
About Clubul Sportiv Experiența Multisport and the coordinating team you can find informations in the section ORGANIZER and about the local volunteers involved in the organizing team as well as the registration form.
The event ,,The marathon, half marathon and road unning of Arad - 2019” and also the temporary conditions mentioned above can suffer changes even after their launched depending on our partnerships so we ask you to follow us on the website www.maratonarad.ro to find out the latest news of this edition.
Special Awards - Coaches, Institutions, Structures
Awards - GENERAL Feminin, Masculin
Identity awards
Special awards:
- For coaches: the first three persons (teachers, promoters, coaches, personal trainers and mentors,etc ) by the point of view of the total number of km marked by the runners who had them as coach, and by the total of finishers
- Institutions: the first three institutions with the biggest number of km marked by their runners; and by the total of finishers
- Structures (companies/associations/institutions/clubs): the first three structures with the biggest number of km marked by their runners and by the total of finishers.
General awards
All participants who finished a race will receive an online certificate and medals.
We ask you to keep in mind the fact that this event it is dedicated to the amators and does not benefit of consistent awards related to the competitions of profi runners.
It doesn’t mean that there are some restrictions in registering the professional runners but we want to make it clear to you in order to not exist unrealistic expectations related to the awards.
It will be granted three places for feminin race and three for the masculin one at the marathon/half marathon/marathon relay and 7 km race. The awards consists in presents offered by our sponsors, medals/cups and small money awards:
- The first three persons Feminin /Masculin at Marathon: 400 RON (first place), 300 RON (second place) and 200 RON (third place);
- The first three persons Feminin/Masculin at Half-Marathon : 300 RON (first place), 200 RON (second place) and 100 RON (third place);
- The first three persons Feminin/Masculin at Marathon Relay: awards in services, products, subscriptions;
- The first three persons Feminin/Masculin at 7 km Cross: awards in services, products, subscriptions;
There will also be symbolic prizes for identity and also a raffle for the runners and spectators.
Identity awards
In the event, will be rewarded the most ingenious runners in terms of their costumes. The list of identities that can be assumed : superhero, fairy character, cartoon character , animal, soldier, indian, pilot, fruit, dac, romanian, etc. The options are not limited to this ones so your creativity is welcome!